Marques Il y a 356 produits.

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Résultats 1 - 12 sur 356.
  • Le Zappiti One 4K HDR est un lecteur multimédia universel de nouvelle génération compatible HDMI 2.0, Ultra HD 4K, HDR, et HEVC 10 bits proposant un vrai Media Center embarqué, simple d'utilisation et ultra complet.Possibilité de pré-installer R_video

  • Le BasX PT-100 offre le type de performance que vous pourriez vous attendre à trouver sur des matériels de prix élevé, coûtant plusieurs fois son modeste prix. Contrairement à beaucoup d'autres composants audio abordables

  • •Ajoute des basses profondes et puissantes à toutes les enceintes Sonos (ou composants amplifiés). •Aucune vibration du caisson. •Versatile. Il trouve sa place partout, à plat ou à la verticale. •Installation en un bouton. •La diffusion se fait par Wi-Fi et non Bluetooth, donc plus rien n'arrête la musique, pas même un appel.

  • •Deux-en-un. Un son de qualité cinéma pour votre TV. Diffuse également la musique. •Un design élégant et discret qui la rend quasiment invisible. Un son qui ne peut pas vous échapper. •Elle supporte en toute sécurité des écrans d'un poids inférieur à 35 kg. •L'installation ne nécessite que deux câbles : un câble pour l'alimentation électrique et un câble...

  • Our scene-stealing C 315BEE, an award-winning design that exceeded all expectations, has given rise to the C 316BEE Integrated Amplifier. The C 316BEE promises improved power efficiency, a healthy dose of ‘green’ attributes, and serious musical performance.

  • Using a customized version of the proven Hypex UcD output stage, the C 368 allows for massive power with nearly unmeasurable distortion and noise in the audible range. Every detail of this design has been carefully planned and perfectly executed to produce every last drop of performance.

  • Contrary to their name, Black Labs’ heritage actually traces back to Newfoundland in the 1700s, when they were first known as “Saint John’s Dogs.” When this large Newfoundland-based breed was mixed with smaller water dogs, the result is the dog now known as the Labrador. Labradors (Black or otherwise) are known for their dedication to duty, their highly...

  • Though its combination of long legs, deep chest, flexible spine, and slender build make it an excellent hunting and racing breed, capable of reaching speeds in excess of 64 kilometers per hour (40 MPH), the gentle, intelligent greyhound would just as well spend its day simply and quietly enjoying long naps in the soft shade. Greyhounds rarely bark, are...

  • The Irish Setter is a distant ancestor of the Spanish Pointer and is actually a mix of the English Setter, the Gordon Setter and the Irish Water Spaniel. Irish Setters are known for their friendly, fun-loving and outgoing temperament. These dogs have a natural love of exploring and enjoy a good game of fetch above all. This trait undoubtedly traces back...

  • The Boxer breed originated in Germany in the late 19th century and was brought to the US after World War I. Today, Boxers are a part of the AKC’s Working Dog Group. Don’t be fooled by that “worried” look on a Boxer’s face. Boxers are known for their fun-loving, genial, and at times downright clown-like demeanor, as well as their remarkable rapport with...

  • AudioQuest Digital Coax cables are designed to minimize distortion across an extremely wide bandwidth. For many applications, the speed of digital communication is important. Most visibly, “speed” is about transferring large files as quickly as possible, or carrying enough data for HD video. For Digital Coax audio “speed” is critical not because of...

  • La Q950 est le modèle phare de la gamme Q Series, avec son ensemble Uni-Q de KEF, jumelé à un haut-parleur de basses 200 mm  à long débattement et un ABR correspondant. Profitant des dernières innovations en termes d'acoustique et de design, la Q950 apporte un son haute résolution avec une profondeur extraordinaire

Résultats 1 - 12 sur 356.